banana raisin cupcake

i havent been baking for a while. just that since starting work at the new place and fallen sick kind of making me lazy to look into my baking cupboards. however since i have two big bananas leftovers which i bought in preperation for the port dickson trailrun last sunday, thought a waste to just let it turn mushy. one already used for my lempeng pisang or banana pancake on monday. which is yummy when eaten with honey but try not to make a too thin batter. ohh before i went on rambling to other things here is the recipe for this delish cuppies. Ingredients 2 ripe banana- mashed 11/2 cup plain flour 1 cup castor sugar 3/4 cup butter or margarine 3 eggs (B size) 1/2 raisin (or whatever dried fruits of your choice) 1 teaspoon baking soda 11/2 teaspoon baking powder vanilla essence to taste sift flour together with baking soda and baking powder and set aside. beat the butter and sugar until creamy; pour the egg one at a time while beating the batter until well combined. opt...